Advisor Request

So, you want me to be your advisor?

I'm thrilled that you are considering me as your advisor.

Advising students is one of my favorite parts of my profession. And, I take it very seriously because I had really good advisors throughout my years in school. With my students, my goal is to pay it forward. I will consider my career a success if I can do for just one of my students what my previous advisors did for me and so many other students.

To that end, I'd like to learn a bit more about you. In addition to conversations we'll have in-person, about you, your folks, your hometown, I want to know more about what.

So, please answer the following questions:

* Required responses

First Name*
Last Name*
Email Address*
If you were guaranteed that you would succeed, what career would you want to pursue?
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What are your hobbies? What do you do purely for fun? (I play FIFA video games. It brings nothing to the world, I just really enjoy it).
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What are your (productive) hobbies? What do you create/build? (I like photography. I'm not great at it, but I enjoy doing it.)
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What is your favorite movie or TV show?
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What is your favorite song/album/artist?
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Please list your self-care routine. (What do you do to handle day-to-day stress?)
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What is the best way for me to challenge you? (For this question, think back to a teacher or a coach who got you to realize your fullest potential. What did they do that worked for you? How did they reach you?)
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Is there anything else that I need to know about you that will be help me be a good advisor to you?
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